Aug 11, 2010

Big Cartel

For those who love Etsy, I recently stumbled across this amazing find called Big Cartel.  Similar in style and purpose to Etsy but it seems to be slightly more 'official' in nature.  What I mean by that instead of each 'shop' having the same look and feel with a customized banner of some kind, each 'shop' has its own look and feel, generally they seem to be matched to the stores or business's website.  This is a nice feature for places that have the resources to put up a website, but maybe don't have the time or money to have someone build them a shop within that website.  
So, speaking of one of the companies that has a shop in Big Cartel, I am really liking what These Are Things has up in their shop
And the one below is actually letterpress!  More on letterpress later, I've become enthralled with it, but I think it deserves its own post. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great find! I wish their maps were about half that size because I would totally snap one up. Also, they must be Demetri Martin fans re: their name.
